No significant reason. I just like me a snake. Always did. Make of that what you will or insert a phallic remark here.
I will, though, justify my music choice.
Recent discussions on the subject of “I can’t listen to that anymore, it depresses me” made me realize I could never relate to the sentiment. Music never got me down, however agonizing or desperate or lamenting the lyrics or compositions are. Searching for a reason, I might have found one. The “culprit” is growing up listening to old-school Yugo music. As heart-breaking as some of it is, I never perceived any pathetism or helplessness in it. I find it shaped my entire sarcastic and absurdist and libertine outlook on life. Viagra Boys is a band where I identify the same qualities of a breaking and trembling voice promising to hurl every negative trait into the sun, just to do it all again tomorrow while there’s a flute in the background. So take a song that I deeply adore and enjoy looking at the pretty colours!

*size 640 x 850 mm/ 25.1 x 33.4 inches
*mixed media on 300gsm paper
*year 2023
*Sonic Paper - Silvana Dragan

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